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One to One Mat Pilates by Steve Grice

I offer one to one Pilates in Minehead, West Somerset, contact me for more details

Pilates by Steve Grice

Improve your posture 
Improve your core strength
Improve your flexibility
Reduce your back pain and stiffness
Improve you overall mobility and balance

As we all get busier and work longer hours, high levels of stress and tension is becoming normal and for many people this can result in back pain, poor posture, reduced mobility, tight shoulders and poor sleep quality.

Pilates can really help change how you feel and how you look and is an excellent form of exercise for both men and women of all ages.

One to one


What is Pilates?

What people say about me

Minehead, West Somerset and Exmoor
07915 394408

©Steve Grice Pilates